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Before reporting your Continuing Education hours for recertification, please take the time to read through the instructions below. Each recertification application requires 24 CE hours with at least 12 SI-Specific CE hours. The next recertification application will be October 31, 2023 through December 31, 2023.

Download Recertification Policy

Online - CE Experience Form    CE Experience Form-pdf


Purpose of Recertification
The purpose of recertification is to ensure BCSIsCM are maintaining competence in practice as they progress through their professional life. In keeping with the diversity of our profession and the creative people within it, many activities count towards recertification requirements.

Recertification Application Timing
New BCSIs who pass the Certification Exam for Structural Integration℠ (CESI℠) in 2020 and 2021 will recertify in August-October of 2023. BCSIs who recertified for two years in 2019 will recertify next in August-October of 2021. BCSIs who are due to recertify in 2020 will move into the odd year by recertifying in August-October of 2021. BCSIs who are due to recertify in 2022 will move into the odd year by recertifying in November-December 2023.

Recertification Requirements
CBSI℠ recognizes two categories of classes and activities as Continuing Education (CE) hours: SI-Specific and Elective. Each recertification application must include a total of at least 24 CE hours, with at least 12 SI-Specific CE hours. The remainder of the required 24 CE hours can be Elective or SI-Specific. The CE hours must have been completed after the applicant’s previous recertification or initial certification, whichever is most recent. Documentation of CE hours must be retained for three years, but submission of documentation is not required unless requested by CBSI. The recertification application must be completed online at the CBSI website. The $100 non-refundable application fee supports maintenance of the CESI, as well as the operation and quality assurance of the entire certification program. A BCSI who does not meet recertification requirements on time will not have the right to use or display the BCSI certificate mark. The CESI cannot be passed for recertification more than one time without specific approval from CBSI.


Documentation of CE hours must be kept for three years. CBSI will randomly select ten percent of all applications for audit in November, after the recertification window, and will ask the selected applicants for documentation. Failure to provide sufficient documentation may result in suspension of BCSI certification.

SI-Specific CE Hours
CBSI recognizes SI-Specific CE hours from the providers, classes, and experiences listed below. In-Person and online formats are both acceptable.. Please contact CBSI about any ambiguous classes.

IASI Recognized CE classes and classes sponsored by IASI or IASI Recognized Programs
One class hour = one SI-Specific CE Hour. Maximum of 8 per day. 
Documentation: class certificate or CBSI CE Experience Form showing instructor name, class name, student name, date of class, and class hours.

Classes about fascia and traditional SI techniques
One class hour = one SI-Specific CE Hour. Maximum of 8 per day.
Documentation: class certificate or CBSI CE Experience Form showing instructor name, class name, student name, date of class, and class hours.

Mentoring (one mentor and one mentee)
One mentoring hour = one SI-Specific CE hour each for mentor and mentee.
Mentor requirements: current BCSI and five years of professional SI experience.
Documentation: CBSI CE Experience Form signed by mentor and mentee.

Teaching or assisting in an IASI Recognized Program or an IASI Recognized CE class

One hour of instruction time = one SI-Specific CE hour.
Documentation: CBSI CE Experience Form signed by the instructor.

Presentation at SI symposiums or conferences
One hour of presentation = two SI-Specific CE hours.
Documentation: Presenter Agreement or CBSI CE Experience Form.

SI study group
One hour of group meeting time = one SI-specific CE hour.
Documentation: CBSI CE Experience Form with names and signatures of group members.

SI publications
Published book: twenty-four SI-Specific CE hours.
Peer-reviewed or professional journal article: eight SI-Specific CE hours.
Group publication in peer-reviewed journal: four SI-Specific CE hours for each author.
Newspaper or online magazine article: two SI-Specific CE hours.
Personal blog articles do not count for CE hours.
Documentation: for publication, a copy of the article; for book, a copy of the title page.

IASI or CBSI volunteer work
One hour of volunteer time = one-half (½) SI-Specific CE hour.
A maximum of twelve CE hours from this category are allowed on the application.
Documentation: CBSI CE Experience Form with names and signatures of the volunteer and the committee chair.

Elective CE Hours
CBSI recognizes Elective CE hours from many providers and activities. In-Person and online formats are both acceptable. Manual therapy classes that support increased competence in SI practice, and training in adjacent fields of movement education, can be counted as Elective CE hours. Documentation must show instructor name, class name, student name, date of class, and class hours. One class hour = one Elective CE Hour. Maximum of 8 per day. Up to four hours of ethics classes can be counted as Elective CE hours. Classes that are specifically oriented towards massage practice (Swedish/deep tissue, Thai massage, Reiki, energy work, etc.) cannot be counted as Elective CE hours. Please contact CBSI about any ambiguous classes. Some options for Elective CE hours include, but are not limited to, classes offered by:

  • Dermoneuromodulation (DNM)
  • International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
  • International Spine and Pain Institute
  • Medbridge Education
  • Neurodynamic Solutions
  • American Society for the Alexander Technique
  • Body Mind Centering
  • Continuum Movement
  • Feldenkrais Guild of North America
  • Hanna Somatics
  • Yoga Alliance

Individual Consideration for Extenuating Circumstances

CBSI recognizes that extenuating circumstances may adversely affect a practitioner’s ability to meet recertification requirements. CBSI must be notified by email a minimum of 30 days before the deadline of the certification cycle by the practitioner requesting either a deadline extension or an alternative determination of CE hours. CBSI will review written requests for deadline extension and consideration of alternative CE hours on a case-by-case basis. A fee of 25 USD is required for consideration. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to: 
  • Unforeseen personal or family medical or other issues that make completion of requirements within the current cycle impossible.
  • Inability to access recognized CE hours within the current cycle.
Any BCSI may receive individual consideration as long as the following criteria are met. The request must include:
  • A description of the extenuating circumstances and reason(s) for the request.
  • A complete record of all CE hours earned within the current certification cycle.
  • A specific plan for completion of the requirements. 
  • A record of alternative courses or experiences with details about dates, hours, instructors, and content. 
  • An explanation of how the courses or experiences directly relate to the practice of Structural Integration, and how the time investment is relevant to the practitioner’s professional development.
Two or more members of the CBSI Board will review each request and communicate a final determination to the requesting practitioner. If an exception and/or extension is granted, a new certificate will be issued when all requirements are met and fees are paid. When extra time is allotted for completion of requirements, the CE hours obtained to meet requirements will only be applied to the retroactive certification period and not toward the current cycle. Extra hours that exceed those required for the extension can be applied to the current recertification period. If the request is denied, CBSI will provide an explanation in writing to the practitioner. Adverse determinations may be appealed in writing to the entire CBSI Board of Directors. The decision of the CBSI Board is final and absolute. 


1) Since his last recertification, Kevin has taken an SI-Specific Pelvic Algorithm class, a Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation class, and he has volunteered on a CBSI committee. On his recertification application he is able to list 13 SI-Specific CE hours for the Pelvic Algorithm class, 13 elective CE hours for the Barral class, and 4 SI-Specific CE hours for his volunteer time. His total is 30 CE hours and he has met the 12 SI-Specific CE hour minimum.

2) Since her last recertification, Lynn has taken an online ethics class and an Upledger Craniosacral class. She also participated in an online study group. She has 4 Elective CE hours from the ethics class, 13 Elective CE hours from the Craniosacral class, and 8 SI-Specific CE hours from the online study group. She has 25 CE hours total, but she has not yet met the 12 SI-Specific CE hour minimum; she needs 4 more for her recertification application.

3) Since her last recertification, Tanya has taken a three day SI-Specific class through an IASI Recognized school that met for 20 hours, and she has published an article in the IASI Yearbook. On her recertification application she will be able to list 20 SI-Specific CE hours for her class and 8 SI-Specific CE hours for her publication. She has met the minimum 12 SI-Specific CE hours, as well as the required 24 CE hours total.

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Severna Park, MD 21146

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